Preventing car rust and the importance of rust repair Auckland
Electrochemical degradation of iron-based metals causes rust to form. This disintegration results from oxidation, the process by which molecules on the iron's surface interact with oxygen in the air to form a new molecule known as Fe2O3 or iron oxide. Rust is that iron oxide. The pure iron oxidizes less quickly. If you look closely at an old iron engine block, you'll notice that the rust has just slightly penetrated the metal's surface. Make sure that you get the best Car Paint Auckland . Unfortunately, steel alloys are more commonly used in modern cars than pure iron because iron isn't an excellent material for making cars. Steel is made by mixing a small amount of carbon with iron, offering significantly better flexibility, tensile strength, and formability. The different impurities that result from this increased strength add to the expense of rust formation. Steel that is exposed to the elements rusts at varying rates based on the alloy it is made of, its thic...